Saturday, June 16, 2012


let's go!

This one is going to be all list-y.

As you are well aware, I'm in Switzerland this summer for two purposes:

1) to study international law; and
2) to wed.

I also have a couple of goals on a smaller scale:

1) visit Paris for a weekend;
2) drink wine by Le Rhône, the river right behind my building;
3) keep up with my training for the half marathon in the fall by running along the aforementioned river; and
4) eat loads of cheese and chocolate.

Hm. 3) and 4) don't seem to fit together very well. I may have to make some adjustments to this list, depending on which item outweighs the other. I will probably continue to add to this list as I think up more things to do.

That's it for now. Au revoir!

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