Sunday, June 17, 2012

j'habite ici

i live here

I live in a dormitory that used to be an old watch factory. When I told this to Gabe, he warned, "Don't get radioactive poisoning!" Thanks, Gabe.

My room is nice. It's got huge eastern-facing windows and every furniture comes from Ikea. Even the bedding's got Ikea labels. I'm rooming with another girl who hasn't arrived yet. We share a bathroom and cute kitchenette. I even found two sets of dishware and some basic cooking ware! I expect it will be used often, because the food here is very expensive. Everything here is expensive.

Contrary to the images displayed above, my room is incredibly well-lit. In fact, I only just figured out how to pull down the shade. This is good, because now the residents of the apartment building across the street can't see directly into this room.

C'est confortable, n'est pas?

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