Sunday, June 17, 2012

le rhône

As I mentioned in a previous post, my building is right behind Le Rhône, a long river that stretches from Switzerland to the south of France and touches the Mediterranean Sea. Currently the river is low and green and murky. At sunrise and sunset, the lighting is just perfect.

There's a running path along the river, but I couldn't find it this morning. I ran across a path built of loose concrete slabs, sounding a loud, echoing thud at each step, until I reached a dead end. Then I turned back and decided to run by the shops instead. I'll try crossing over to the other bank tomorrow morning and see if I can find the path.

From my observations yesterday, it seems that locals enjoy a number of activities by the river: eating, barbecuing, drinking wine, drinking beer, playing music, playing instruments, talking, reading, brooding, sitting, standing, laying on the grass, laying on the concrete, smoking, bicycling, walking dogs, jogging, playing soccer, sunbathing, feet dipping.

I did not, however, see anybody swimming. I will take that as a message of the river's level of sanitation.

I'm about halfway through tomorrow's reading assignments. I think I'll bring it over to the river and join la fête.

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