Tuesday, June 19, 2012

pas de crème, pas de fromage, pas de plaisir!

This week, my body has been protesting my relocation to the world's cheese capital in some vicious ways. Despite years spent in vehement denial of my lactose intolerance, it's time to face the ugly truth: I should really cut down on the dairy products.

(I don't know how much longer I can be discreet about this around my roommate.)

And yet, everywhere I turn, the creamy yogurt and the cheeses and le petit tasse de café au lait dans la matin warmly beckon for me to indulge in Switzerland's finest. How can you possibly turn them down?

Yeah. My point exactly.

I'll just have to soldier on and silently suffer the consequences (within a closed loo with a running tap). Woe is me.

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